Sunday, February 25, 2007


"Kyoto" Scam Of The Century

I'm a global warming denier, and apparently so are the Countries of China and India.

China is building more than 550 new coal-fired energy plants over the next 5 years.
China is warming is a myth...

India is building more than 220 new coal-fired energy plants over the next 5 years.
India is warming is a myth...

The planet has been alot warmer in the past without any influence from man,
and China and India know it.
Why do you think Greenland is called Greenland?
Why, are the growing glaciers of Antartica not being reported?
If it warms just a little more, will grapes grow in England like they did during Roman times?
The only real truth about climate change is just that (climate does change).

...on the other side of the coin...

Dalton Mcguinty wants to close 4 coal-fired energy plants here in Ontario because we are destroying the planet!

David Susuki wants to shut down Alberta's oil-sands projects because we are destroying the planet!

Al Gore wants to shut down all aspects of our western democratic society, no-more plains, trains or electricity because we are destroying the planet!

Stephane Dion wants to use Kyoto regulations to make Canada pay for all the new
coal-fired power plants in China, India, Russia..
because we have already destroyed the planet!

Am I the only one to see the hypocracy comming from the socialists.
Do these people have an agenda or what?
Look at those numbers from China,India and tell me again
who and or what is destroying the planet?

When the weatherman can't tell me (consistently),
what the weather will be like..say..a week from next thursday.
One has to wonder, just what Dion,Gore,Susuki and Mcshiffty have been smoking!

Ps...there are links to everything I've said, I just don't have the time right now,
remember...Google is your friend!
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