Sunday, March 26, 2006


Yes to Child-Care...No to Union-Care

The last federal program, to be implemented was the Home_Care Plan, where people with a need for at home health care, were supposed to get medical care at home.Well, the cost of that program was around 90 million dollars.The cost breakdown goes like this,79 million for the ADMINISTRATIONof the program, and 11 million to actually pay for home care workers.

The LIBERAL/NDP socialist plan for child-care, is all about hiring thousands of new UNION members, it's about creating another huge Government department that will eat up 80% of CHILD-CARE dollars, remember every province will have a copy of the federal CHILD-CARE ministry, there will be ten provincial ministries and a giant federal one.I can see the STRIKE headlines already, government unionized employees demanding pay equity with private sector day care workers who no longer exist.
It will be illegal to hire your little sister to babysit, as she will not have the required government certification.
Lets see now, parents who earn 60,000 per/year, will be taking their children to union/government run daycares where the director of said facility will be earning in the 160,000 per/year range, and the people running said facilities will be appointed LIBERAL/NDP types,that sounds fair..RIGHT..

Don't let it happen people, or the phrase ((wait times for day-care))spots, will be as common as wait times for medical needs.Strikes by unionized day-care workers is going to make life hell for young parents.
SAY ...YES TO..........CHILD-CARE............
SAY ...NO TO..........UNION-CARE............
A concerned citizen.

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