Saturday, June 10, 2006


Arrest the OPP

It's time for the citizens of Caledonia to take matters into their own hands.
First: the Mayor should gather any police in the area who will support there action. If there aren't any, deputized citizens will do.
Second: Contact all justices of the peace in the area and demand they stand ready to file charges.
Third: rent some large trucks or trailers (for temporarily housing those arrested).
Fourth: send out the call for volunteers, (I'll go, any other takers?), we should easily be able to round up a couple a thousand deputies and together we will march down to the barricades.
Fifth: Arrest, dis-arm, and de-uniform any and all Opp officers who resist, those that want to join the operation will be allowed (this will be their last and only chance at salvaging their career) the charges will be...derelection of duty and obstructing justice...
Sixth: Arrest all native protesters and dis-mantle the barricades..
Thats how it is done Caledonians, you have the right, any citizen can make a citizens arrest, you need only witness a crime, looking at that native barricade is being witness to a crime.
It would be really nice if the police would get a back bone and do the job they are supposed to do. Someone has to be telling them not to do their job. You or I would be in jail by now. This has got to stop!
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