Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Liberal Fiscal Forcasting
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Liberal fiscal forecasting:
A record of being wrong 17 January 2006
OTTAWA – Paul Martin continues to attack the Conservative Party’s independently-verified platform numbers. But he has no credibility on numbers. He has been consistently wrong on his own fiscal forecasting:
The Facts:In fiscal year 2000-2001, Paul Martin’s budget surplus forecast was $4.0 billion (February 28, 2000). It came in at $20.2 billion.
He was off by $16.2 billion.
In fiscal year 2001-2002, Paul Martin’s budget surplus forecast was $1.5 billion. It came in at $7.0 billion.
He was off by $5.5 billion.
In fiscal year 2002-2003, Paul Martin’s budget surplus forecast was $3.0 billion. It came in at $7.0 billion.
He was off by $4 billion.
In fiscal year 2003-2004, Paul Martin’s budget surplus forecast was $1.9 billion. It came in at $9.1 billion.
He was off by $7.2 billion.
In fiscal year 2004-2005, Paul Martin’s budget surplus forecast was $4.0 billion. It came in at $1.6 billion.
He was off by $2.4 billion.
Considering their record on fiscal forecasting, how can the Liberals expect anyone to believe their numbers?