Sunday, January 15, 2006


Kyoto Scam

I've copied this post from comments section, see (pay to the order of Maurice Strong)
it should be required reading for anyone interested in what Kyoto is all about.

Here it is: I've highlighted a few key points

I've been following the Kyoto Accord for some time. It all came together when I found some specific information about Canada. Here it is. I'll cut to the chase.

Sorry for the long comment but it's worth it.

The Kyoto Accord was created by Maurice Strong in 1997 in Costa Rica. I first found mention of it in an Earth Council media release dated that year.

Looking Towards A Sustainable and Secure Energy Future - Maurice F. Strong - Summer 1997
In December of that year (1997) Canada and more than 160 other countries met in Kyoto, Japan, and agreed to targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Shortly after the Kyoto Accord was created Costa Rican President Jose Maria Figueros announced that Costa Rica would be introducing Certifiable Tradable Offsets (another name for Kyoto Credits) to any countries that signed up for Kyoto but were unable to meet the reduced emissions goals laid out by the Accord.

Each Kyoto Credit represents the reduced emission into the atmosphere of one metric ton of carbon. In other words these credits represent nothing more than thin air.
Costa Rica was originally selling these Kyoto Credits and using the money for it's own purposes (doesn't matter who to or what for).

Next comes the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) set up by Maurice Strong in Geneva and sponsored by the Earth Council (which is based in Costa Rica and happens to be where Maurice Strong lives). The IETA was also selling Kyoto Credits.

The way this scam works is that large companies buy Kyoto Credits which are really certificates to emit fixed amounts of specific chemical compounds. In other words, Kyoto Credits help a company to meet Kyoto targets that they otherwise would not be able to meet.

The Canadian government committed to the Kyoto objectives and set the targets that each industry had to meet. It knew there was little chance that Canada's large industrial polluters would voluntarily meet these targets. This meant that they would have to buy Kyoto Credits to make up the shortfall.

Where do you think these companies would get the money to buy these credits from? From the government of course, in the form of grants, interest-free loans, tax incentives, etc. The government would be happy to give this money to these companies to show it's support for Kyoto. The government of course would get the money from the taxpayer.

My opinion is that this is a huge scam orchestrated by Maurice Strong and some people in the Liberal Party of Canada.

Timelines I can find so far (still looking)
Oct. 6, 2002: Federal government brings in its “Action Plan 2000 on Climate Change” in which it commits an initial $500 million on measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Nov. 21, 2002: Federal government formally releases its Climate Change Plan for Canada. Plan promises annual cuts of 240 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions and commits more billions shortly thereafter.

Aug. 12, 2003: Ottawa pledges $1 billion more for its climate change plan, offering incentives to consumers and industry. Total federal spending on Kyoto reaches $3.7 billion.

April 12, 2004: Environment Canada releases 2002 greenhouse gas inventory. The report shows Canada emitted 731 million tonnes of greenhouse gases that year, already 28 per cent above the Kyoto target of 572 million tonnes it must reach by 2012.

April 13. 2005: The federal government announces details of its Kyoto implementation plan, which revamps the plan and pledges $10 billion more to cut greenhouse gases by 270 megatonnes a year by 2008-2012.

Total to date (that I've been able to find): $13.7 billion. Remember, all of this is to go to buy Kyoto Credits.
The money goes right into the pockets of those who are selling the credits.
It does nothing to solve the problem the Kyoto Accord is supposed to address.

Some very large companies in Canada stand to gain from all this. What are their connections to the Liberal Party of Canada? Will they be required to spend all of the money granted to them by the government on Kyoto Credits? Or can they "keep some of it".

It appears that this is a huge scam and transfer of wealth that dwarfs AdScam and GunScam combined.

Both Maurice Strong and Tongsun Park have been in Canada lately. I wonder why? Was it to get their stories straight? If the Liberal Party loses this election, and it looks like they will, there will be a lot of questions about a lot of things. If the Liberals were leading in the polls would both of these guys have come here at this time?

I wonder what they're all thinking right about now, seeing all those billions disappearing right before their eyes?
Steven Harper is going to have a very hard time deciding which Commission of Inquiry to launch first.

Posted by John Crittenden at January 15, 2006 06:19 AM
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