Sunday, February 12, 2006


Get Ready For More Floor Crossing

In regards to the Emerson thing, Paul Jackson has heard a rumour.

here's an excerpt,
Aside from the scandals, there are rumours 10 or 12 Liberal MPs on the party's right may follow BC. MP David Emerson and cross the floor and join Prime Minister Stephen Harper's conservatives when Parliament reopens.

That would be a shattering event: Harper would gain 10 or 12 new votes,
and the Liberals could lose 10 or 12 votes,
in reality, that's a difference of 20 or 24 extra votes in the Commons. it and weep....crossing the floor...ha......get used to it..!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006


Emerson...The first of Many?

Emerson, is just the first of the centre-right liberals that will be jumping ship shortly.

The liberals have been pretending to be liberals for a long time now, and many are seeing them for what they really are ...(socialists in disguise)...
In the next few years, they are going to go even further to the left.
We may see a merging or uniting of the left.

When the theft and graft of the liberal regime these last 10 or so years, FULLY comes out, and the liberal-socialists gain even more control over the party.

....The liberal party will be dead.....

The centre-rights like Emerson see this and are acting accordingly,
many ARE looking for a new home.

When all is said and done,
the liberals and the NDP can finally unite and be the left leaning party they should be.

We are finally getting the left - right split we have needed for 35 years now.


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